If you are an owner of a Mitsubishi vehicle you might have faced the situation where you had to pay through your nose for Mitsubishi spare parts. The reason for parts being dearly priced is due to shipping, import duties, local taxes, other charges and profits added to the original cost price. By the time the spare parts reach you, they are sold at double or treble the price.
As one cannot do without a vehicle one has no option but succumb to paying. One of the problems with modern mass produced cars is that many of their parts are meant for periodical replacement. It is not that the car or parts are faulty but parts need changing for optimum performance.
However, there is good news for Mitsubishi owners. There are Mitsubishi wreckers here in Australia whose business is to demolish cars and remove and store whatever useful from the wreckage. Such extracted Mitsubishi spare parts attract no duties and taxes, Mitsubishi wreckers are able to sell those at the price much cheaper than new parts.
It makes a good sense to buy from Mitsubishi wreckers as you get the spare parts in almost pristine and working condition at heavy discounts. If you are lucky, you may get spare parts that are as good as new in case they come from a recently bought damaged in an accident.